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Advanced Frontier Dynamics

welcome to delusion

Startups fail because founders aren't ready to be CEOs yet, let alone founders.

The path to starting up is brutal.  As a builder of startup prototypes for 15+ years members of the delusion team have seen, heard, and felt much of the journey and the scars that come with it.


But we are born for this, there is nothing else we'd rather do- that to do it again, startup, realize, leverage, advantage, advanced frontier... dynamics.

Venture Pathway Navigation

Venture pathway navigation helps startups navigate the complex world of starting up.

Fractional Founder as a Service

Expert fractional leadership services for startups and businesses, including CEO, CTO, CSO, and board advisor roles.

Discovery Prototyping and Concept Development

By far one of the funnest parts of delusion is leveraging it and manifesting concepts for clients.  Rapid development alongside cutting edge frameworks, latest in apis and other tools such as generative AI allow us to dream in ways you never knew were possible.

Mastermind and Mentoring

Giving back is about giving forward- working with students, academics, investors and anyone who wants to ramble.

Unprecedented Velocity. Impeccable Reliability.

In the current era of technology, leveraging it for business and research and development is an enormous frontier that has emerged. With the advancement of artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, and other technologies, knowledge work has become easier and more efficient than ever before.


Through these technologies, we can process vast amounts of data, make better decisions, and create innovative products and services that change the world. With this in mind, it is vital that we embrace the use of technology to achieve our goals and stay ahead in the game.

Join us as we inspire and lead this technological revolution to help manifest and remake the world as we see fit. With our expertise and experience, we can help you leverage these technologies to take your business to the next level.


By embracing the use of technology and knowledge work, we can create a brighter future and achieve our goals faster than ever before. So let's work together to make the most of this new frontier and change the world for the better.

We've been there


Years of Experience


Startups Engaged


of friends



Our Partners


Are You Ready to Accelerate Your Business?

If you're a startup founder or entrepreneur in the tech industry, you know how valuable it is to have the right connections, guidance and mentorship to navigate the complex world of starting up. That's where Dan Rockwell, one of Central Ohio's biggest super connectors and mentors, comes in.


With over 15 years of experience in building startups, navigating complexities in code, people, scenes and more, Dan can help you accelerate your startup and connect you with the right people, resources and opportunities. Whether you need help with ideation, strategy, funding or anything else, Dan's expertise and network can help you take your startup to the next level. Don't wait, connect with Dan today and start building the future you envision.

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